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Online Academy

The Online Academy as an online learning platform uses the latest and most effective learning methods. With the innovative “blended learning” as well as the integration of the teaching method “flipped classroom” a maximum learning success can be guaranteed.

  • E-Learning

    The majority of the Online Academy courses have an e-learning available which is the centrepiece of the course.

    Learn languages:

    Starting from your individual language level you obtain your language competence in 24 units. With interactive exercises, videos and interesting texts the e-learning guarantees your learning progress. You can learn whenever and wherever you want to. With the additional grammar and business exercises you can even boost your progress. Additionally, you benefit from an interactive vocabulary trainer where you can store words from the exercises and repeat them whenever you want to.

    You can improve your oral language skills with the pronunciation trainer. You repeat the sentence and the programme shows how well your pronunciation is.

    Within the six months you can decide on your learning rate as well as your educational path. You can repeat an exercise or even a whole unit as often as you want to in order to increase your results. One unit should take about 90 minutes. When you complete one unit per week you should be able to work through your course in six months.


  • Blended Learning
    The various language courses of the Online Academy combine the e-learning with different forms of learning like face-to-face lessons, online group lessons, private online lessons and personal coaching. This combination of different forms of learning is called “Blended Learning”. Choose the type of course that suits your personal learning preference.
  • Flipped Classroom
    At the Online Academy the language courses are held according to the principles of the “Flipped Classroom”. The concept is easy and guarantees a great learning success. You independently develop the basics in the e-learning. In the courses E-School or Class you all meet once a month in either the online group lesson or the face-to-face lesson. There you use what you have learned before and improve your knowledge. The teacher moderates the lessons, supports you and answers questions about the content. The main focus of the lessons is to guarantee all students a maximum speaking time in order to improve their oral language competence.

    • The class time is being used efficiently for exercises, role plays as well as transfer tasks.
    • Oral language competence is being improved.
    • Interactive, practical lessons instead of teacher-centred teaching.
  • Learning community
    In the online learning community you can exchange views with other students and you apply what you have learned in the social exchange. Moreover, you can find additional tools that are useful to learn even more efficiently. As an example there are the podcasts of the Migros Clubschool PodClub. The learning community is also available as an app.
  • Online private lessons
    In private online lessons you can actively revise with your personal teacher. The online classrooms of the Online Academy run with the software Adobe which is the market leader. The software offers an excellent video and audio quality and entirely meets the requirements of the Online Academy.

Available digital office courses
Available digitalisation courses